Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I got paid today, too, for going to work!

It has been unusually cold.  It was 28 degrees (about minus two, for you metric people!) when I left home to begin my workday.

I debated within myself, all the way until the fork in the road, on whether I wanted to go via the more "efficient" interstate, or by the scenic and winding old road.  There is also a safety factor--when the weather is bad, the old road with less traffic could potentially be more hazardous than the busier and well-maintained interstate.

I reached the fork, and swung left.  My heart simply couldn't take efficiency over the poetry of the winding road by the fields.  The heart knows what the heart wants.

A few minutes in, I could see flashes of red and pink low in the horizon behind me and to my right.  As I rounded a long curve, I caught a good view of the changing colors.

I knew it was that time again--to flash the hazard lights and pull over to the side.  As I said, the heart knows what it wants.  I stopped when it was safe, and stepped out.  It was cold, but was refreshing.

The camera image grossly understates the beauty that I enjoyed for a couple of minutes.
This is all a part of the non-monetary compensation that I get for living and working in this part of the world.
My financial well-being when measured by the dollars I have access to will vastly underestimate the phenomenal wealth I get to enjoy but don't own.  Thankfully, there is no owner who can deny me the lovely sunrise or the flowing river or the snow-dusted mountains or the gazillion shades of green all around ...

I got back in, and resumed the drive, absolutely satisfied with the morning treasure.

Turned out that I had a bonus waiting for me; the gate came down as I neared the railroad crossing.  The iPhone was still in my lap.  I quickly grabbed it and clicked.  After all, you snooze, you lose!
At least for today, I am a rich man, and there is no "if."

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

Well, you wake up and get out into -2 deg (the only sane system is metric, my friend), its dark outside and there's ice on the road - and you say you love to live in this part of the world !!!!! How about sun on your back, smell of the sea, palm trees swaying by in the cool wind ........

I continue to be amazed that you still have something called a train (oops sorry railroad).