Saturday, June 02, 2012

Remembrance of things past

Back in graduate school, when I was lot more of a bumbling idiot than what I am now, a couple of graduate students from India pitched an idea: why not perform a film song at the university's international students day (or whatever that was called.)

I had nothing to hold me back, and I said I will gladly sing along, while making sure they knew that my knowledge of Hindi was pretty basic at best.

It was a long time ago, and I have forgotten the names of people.  The leader was nearing the end of her PhD days--in the sciences, was it?  The name of one guy suddenly came back to me, and easily did I track him down on the web.   Another girl, whatever her name--we even worked together at the university's computing services--was the sister of this guy, as I recall.

Anyway, it was a group of about eight or ten of us.  And the song that our leader had us practicing quite a bit was this one:

A lovely tune, yes.  I had no idea what the lyrics meant.

Later on, this friend joked that I was pronouncing a few words like how somebody with a Bengali accent might.  (Interesting side note: through the years that I was there, he was working on his PhD in economics, and then I find out years later that he switched to film studies.  Only in America, eh!)

Those were the days, my friend :)

Oh, the performance itself? You had to ask? We sucked. Big time!

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