Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Finding humor in too big to fail, and too small to succeed

"J," who brought to my attention the hilarious "five minute university" clip sends me this cartoon after I had tried, yet again, to scare the life out my students through the articles and concepts that I force them to think about:

Hey, getting such feedback is evidence that my approach is working? 

Speaking of "too big to fail" ... I am reminded of this joke that I was so proud about--I came up with this joke all by myself a couple of years ago when walking by the river ...

The entire football team signs up for the macroeconomics course, which made the instructor very happy.
But, week after week, the footballers never turned in any of the required work.
Midterm exams come and go, and the footballers don't even bother coming to the exam hall.
The final day of class, the instructor is so pissed that he decides to ask them about this strange behavior.
"But, professor" the star middle-linebacker began, "passing this economics course is a no-brainer. After all, we are too big to fail."


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